Electric Vehicle Home Charger Grant

Claim up to €600 towards the purchase and installation of an electric vehicle home charger unit.

Grant Details

About the Scheme


  • The Electric Vehicle Home Charger Grant is a government funded support scheme assisting residents and homeowners to install an electric vehicle charge point on their property. The scheme provides a grant up to the value of €600 towards the purchase and installation of a home charger unit. To receive payment, you must ensure that you use a Safe Electric Registered Electrical Contractor.
  • The grant is now open to homeowners to apply for a grant, whether they own an electric vehicle or not. This charge point can also be used for visitor use or at rented accommodation.
  • From September 2022 the EV Home Charger Grant Scheme will only support smart chargers registered on Triple E.
  • Funding for the EV Home Charger scheme is provided by Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland (ZEVI) based in the Department of Transport.  SEAI operates this grant scheme on behalf of ZEVI.

Eligibility Criteria


  • The EV must be parked on an off-street parking location associated with the home and the charger must be connected back to the home of the applicant (please refer to your electrician for the best installation approach).
  • The Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN), which you can find on your electricity bill, will be used to confirm the location of your home.
  • The property cannot be associated with a previous EV home charge point grant payment. Additionally, it cannot have availed of the free ESB Ecars home charger pre 2018.
  • Do not commence any work before the start date on your Letter of Offer otherwise this expenditure will be deemed ineligible and you will not receive grant support for it.
  • You have 6 months from the date on this Letter of Offer, which will be emailed to you, to complete your installation and return your Payment Request Form to SEAI with all associated evidence whole and complete – Cert 3, Test Record, photo of installation, invoice from electrician.


(085) 718-0558