Embracing the electric vehicle (EV) revolution means considering the installation of a home EV charging station. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through the various aspects of home EV charger installation costs, from understanding the initial investment to maximising long-term savings. Whether you’re eyeing a Tesla-specific solution or a universal charger, we’ll delve into the types of chargers, the importance of professional installation, and how to benefit from government incentives. Let’s plug into the details and charge towards a cost-effective and convenient future.

Key Takeaways

  • Professional installation is crucial for safety and efficiency.
  • Choosing the right charger involves considering the types available, with a 7 kW point recommended for most drivers.
  • Maximising savings can be achieved by charging during off-peak hours and utilising government incentives for the purchase and installation of EV chargers.
  • The installation process includes an initial survey, professional setup with up to 10 meters of cabling, and thorough testing to ensure proper functionality.

Understanding the Costs of Home EV Charging Stations

Average Installation and Equipment Price Estimates

When you’re ready to switch from socket to savings with a home EV charging station, knowing the costs upfront is key. On average, a 7 kW charger, ideal for most drivers, will set you back about €700, with installation costs around €470.

  • 3.6 kW charger:
    €940 (installation included)
  • 7 kW charger:
    €1,170 (installation included)
  • 22 kW charger:
    €1,410 (installation included)

These estimated prices cover both the equipment and the professional fitting. Opting for a faster charger, like the 22 kW, means a higher initial cost but quicker charging times. Remember, a professional installation ensures safety and efficiency, avoiding costly repairs down the line.

Investing in a home EV charging station is not just about the initial cost. It’s about the long-term savings and convenience that come with powering up your electric vehicle at home.

Cost Comparison: Home Charging vs. Public Charging

When it comes to powering up your electric vehicle (EV), home charging stations offer significant savings over public options. Installing a home EV charging station means you can avoid the higher costs of public chargers. On average, you’ll pocket an extra

  • 467 euros annually by charging at home.
  • Public charging can be 77% more costly.

Remember, the initial investment in a home charging station pays off. You’ll break even in about two years. After that, it’s all savings, making the switch to a home EV charging station a wise financial move.

Hidden Expenses: What Additional Costs to Expect

When planning your home EV charging station, consider hidden expenses that can pop up. For instance:

  • Extra cable length if your driveway is a good stretch from the fuse box could add to the cost.
  • Thick stone walls in your home may increase the time and expense to secure the charger.

Remember, brand choice affects price too. Trusted brands might cost more, but could offer better value.

Lastly, don’t forget to factor in potential savings from solar panels or government grants. These can offset initial outlays, leading to long-term savings.

Selecting the Right EV Charger for Your Home

Types of Home EV Chargers and Their Costs

Choosing the right home EV charger is crucial for cost-effective charging. On average, a charger costs 1,000. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Level 1 chargers are the most affordable, but they’re slow.
  • Level 2 chargers offer a good balance of speed and price.
  • Level 3 chargers are fast but pricey and rarely needed at home.

Remember, a professional installation ensures your warranty stays valid. It’s a smart move to protect your investment.

The Importance of a Professional Installation

Choosing a professional to install your home EV charging station is crucial. It ensures safety and proper function. Here’s why:

  • Professionals have the right skills to avoid hazards.
  • They ensure your setup meets legal requirements.
  • A pro will test your charger, confirming it’s ready to use.

Investing in a professional installation means peace of mind. You’ll avoid costly mistakes and ensure your station is up to code.

Remember, a pro installation is not just about plugging in a charger. It’s about securing your savings and safety for years to come.

Off-Peak Charging: How to Save More on Electricity

Charging your EV during off-peak hours is a smart move. Electricity rates drop at night, making it the perfect time to power up your car. Here’s how to make the most of off-peak charging:

  • Check with your utility provider for special night-time rates.
  • Set your charger to only activate during the cheapest hours.
  • Enjoy the convenience of waking up to a fully charged EV.

Off-peak charging not only cuts costs but also adds ease to your daily routine. By simply plugging in your EV at night, you can save significant euros every year.

Embrace the savings and simplicity of home EV charging. Charge smart, save big, and start your day fully powered.

Installation Process and Considerations

Initial Survey and Planning for Your Charging Point

Before you can enjoy the convenience of a home EV charging station, a survey is essential. This initial check ensures your property is fit for an EV charger and helps plan its placement. Typically, this service won’t cost you a cent.

The right spot for your charger is crucial. It’s often best in a garage or on a driveway. A professional will later install the charger and connect it with up to 10 metres of secure cabling to your fuse box, including a safety device.

Here’s what to expect:

  1. Survey your property for suitability.
  2. Decide on the charger’s location.
  3. Schedule the installation.

Installation Day: What to Expect

On the day of your installation, expect a smooth and efficient process. Here’s what typically happens:

  1. The installer arrives and reviews the plan with you.
  2. They’ll prepare the site, ensuring it’s safe and ready for the EV charger.
  3. The charger is securely fixed to the wall, and wiring is carefully connected.
  4. An electrical test is conducted to ensure everything is in top shape.

Remember, the installer will handle all the technical details. Your role is to provide access and any necessary information about your home’s layout.

The cost of installation can vary, especially if extra work is needed. For example, a long driveway might mean more cable, and thick walls could require more time to drill. But don’t worry, your installer will have flagged any potential extra costs beforehand. After the work is done, you’ll be ready to start saving with your new home EV charging station.

Post-Installation: Testing and Final Touches

Once your home EV charging station is in place, the final step is a thorough test. This ensures everything is running smoothly. Here’s what happens:

  • The installer checks all connections.
  • They’ll power up the charger to confirm it’s working.
  • A series of safety tests are conducted to spot any issues.

After testing, they’ll show you how to use your new charger. It’s a simple process, and you’ll be ready to start saving on fuel costs in no time.

Remember, a well-installed charger means savings for years. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your installer. They’re there to help you make the most of your investment.

Navigating Incentives and Next Steps

Government Grants and Incentives for EV Chargers

Securing a government grant can significantly reduce the cost of your home EV charging station. In Ireland, the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) offers a helping hand to renters and flat owners. This scheme can slash the price of a new charging point by 75%, up to a maximum of
350, including VAT.

To tap into these savings, follow these steps:

  • Check your eligibility for the EVHS.
  • Find an accredited electrician who can install your charger.
  • Apply for the grant before the installation begins.

Remember, even if you don’t qualify for the EVHS, you can still encourage your local council or workplace to apply for other grants to install EV chargers in your area. This proactive approach can lead to more accessible charging options for everyone.

Embrace the opportunity to cut costs and support the shift to electric vehicles by exploring available grants and incentives.

Using Comparison Tools to Get the Best Installation Quotes

To secure top-notch deals for your home EV charging station, harness the power of comparison tools. These platforms simplify the hunt for competitive quotes, ensuring you snag the best value. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  • Enter your home details into the tool.
  • Review the list of expert installers provided.
  • Compare the quotes to find the most cost-effective option.

Remember, a lower price doesn’t always mean a better deal. Look for quality and value to truly save on your installation costs.

By taking these steps, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the convenience and savings of a home EV charging station.

FAQs and Final Considerations Before Installation

Before you take the leap into savings with your home EV charging station, here’s a quick checklist:

  • Compare quotes with our easy tool.
  • Check for available government grants.
  • Ensure you have the right space at home.

Remember, a home EV charging station is not just about the upfront costs. It’s a step towards greener living and long-term savings. Don’t hesitate to ask installers about the installation process and aftercare.

Ready to switch to home charging? Your journey to convenience and savings starts here. Make sure you’ve ticked all the boxes before installation day.

As you explore the world of electric vehicle charging, let us guide you through the process with our top-notch selection of EV chargers and accessories. Whether you’re looking for a wall-mounted solution or a portable charger for on-the-go convenience, our mission is to make EV charging accessible and affordable for everyone. Don’t miss out on our latest offerings – visit our shop now to find the perfect charging solution for your needs and take the next step towards a greener future.


In conclusion, the journey to installing a home EV charging station is an investment in both your financial future and environmental responsibility. With the potential to save an average of £467 annually compared to public charging, and the convenience of overnight charging from your own driveway, the benefits are clear. While the average cost of
£1,000 for an electric vehicle charger and installation may seem steep, the long-term savings and added convenience make it a worthwhile expenditure. Remember to utilise our comparison tool for obtaining installation quotes, ensuring you find the best deal for your specific needs. As we move towards a greener future, taking the step to install a home EV charger is a smart and sustainable choice for any electric vehicle owner.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to install an electric car charger at home?

The average cost of installing an electric vehicle charger at home is around €1,000, which typically includes €600 for a 7 kW charging unit and €400 for the professional installation process.

What are the benefits of installing an EV charger at home?

Installing an EV charger at home allows you to not rely on public chargers, reduce your charging costs, slash your carbon emissions, and enjoy the convenience of charging overnight.

Are there any hidden expenses to be aware of when installing a home EV charger?

Yes, if your driveway is far from your fuse box, you may incur extra costs for additional cabling. Also, if your home has thick stone walls, the installation may be more complex and costly.

How much can I save by charging my EV at home compared to public charging stations?

You can save approximately €467 per year by charging your EV at home instead of using public charging stations, thanks to lower electricity costs and the convenience of off-peak charging.

What government grants and incentives are available for installing home EV chargers?

There are various government grants and incentives available to help offset the cost of installing an EV charger at home. The specifics can vary based on location and time, so it’s important to check the latest information.

Is it worth buying a home charger for your electric car?

Yes, buying a home charger is a worthwhile investment that can save you money over time, provide charging convenience, and contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions.